Banane, mjaltë dhe ujë – kolla dhe bronkiti juaj do të largohen përgjithmonë

Përzieni banane, mjaltë dhe ujë – kolla dhe bronkiti juaj do të largohen Përbërësit 2 lugë gjelle mjaltë organik. 2 banane organike. 400 ml ujë. Ja një ilaç natyral për qetësimin e kollës dhe bronkitit që është edhe efektiv, edhe i shijshëm. Ndërsa është veçanërisht e dobishme për fëmijët, të rriturit gjithashtu mund të përfitojnë … Read more

Father of Quintuplets Faces Too Many Criticism for Walking His Children with Leashes: “They are not dogs, they are humans…”

Father of Quintuplets Faces Too Many Criticism for Walking His Children with Leashes: “They are not dogs, they are humans…” The life of a Kentucky dad changed dramati cally when he and his wife welcomed quintuplets into the world. Little did he anticipate the harsh critique and negative feed back that would follow as a … Read more

Top sheets on Bed, why people aren’t using these anymore ?

If I could have things my way, I would sleep with a mountain of quilts, duvets, and pillows. The humble top sheet originally had a hygienic purpose. It served as a barrier between our bodies and heavier bed covers like duvets, quilts, and comforters. This meant that while the sheets and pillow cases required frequent … Read more