Experts Predict Arctic May Become “Mostly Ice-Free” Within a Decade

On September 19, 2023, the Arctic experienced its sixth-lowest minimum ice extent since NASA initiated satellite tracking. Simultaneously, at the opposite pole, the Antarctic witnessed its smallest maximum ice coverage in recorded history. This alarming trend, though not novel, appears to be exacerbating. Since NASA began satellite observations in 1978, Arctic sea ice has been … Read more

Cops dance in front of a gym-full of high schoolers

Viral challenges are all the rage, with people from all walks of life deciding to do a specific task while being recorded, and then post the video on social media. Many times, these challenges are meant to be funny, inspiring, or wholesome. The Git Up challenge is no different! Inspired by the song Git Up … Read more

Calls to Permanently Ban Mardi Gras Emerge Amid Controversial Images

Australians have been left deeply dismayed by the aftermath of Mardi Gras, with heaps of trash left strewn across the streets, prompting some to advocate for the drastic measure of banning the annual parade altogether. A video circulated on TikTok depicted a scene of utter disarray on a street in Sydney, where piles of litter, … Read more