The United Auto Workers recently secured a record contract for American automakers. Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis, the parent company of Chrysler

The United Auto Workers recently secured a record contract for American automakers. Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis, the parent company of Chrysler, came to terms with the UAW to end the six-week strike and get production Iines back up and running at their domestic facilities. The UAW secured record gains for employees despite the resistance … Read more

WATCH : Megan Rapinoe Mocks Christians, Says Haters Have A…

When Megan Rapinoe finished her professional soccer career, suffering an Achilles injury earIy in the match on November 11, many believed that they had hopefully seen and heard the last from the often America-hating soccer player. However, that sadly isn’t proving to be the case as the attention-seeking activist made more controversial and bIasphemous statements … Read more