Toddler moved by Holy Spirit as he sings ‘God Only Knows’

Toddler moved by Holy Spirit as he sings ‘God Only Knows’

This sweet little boy looks like he’s lived much longer than just a year or two. Knox sits at the table on his mom’s lap, wearing a zip-up police car and fire truck onesie. He closes his eyes and sings “God only knows” with a deep and clear voice. He shakes his head with expression.

When he’s done, his eyes pop open, and a big smile shoots across his little face. His mom smiles sweetly at him as only a proud mom can.

The song that little Knox sings is called ‘God Only Knows,’ and it’s by the Christian group For King and Country. The song’s sentiment explains that only God knows what someone may have been through in their life, but God is the only one who can give us the love we need.

This tiny old soul sings with conviction as if he feels it deep down. He’s likely seen his mom worship a time or two.

Knox’s mom has a TikTok account dedicated to her little guy, where she shows more sweet videos of him in a superhero cape giving her kisses, jumping off the diving board into a pool, and singing more songs in his carseat.

Knox’s joy is a blessing to watch, and his mom is doing a great job raising a little one who loves life and loves to worship God.

Keep up the good work, Mom, and keep singing, Knox!