The United Kingdom’s youngest mother gives birth at the age of 12, with her family unaware of her pregnancy.

A young girl, believed to be the youngest mother in the UK, gave birth at the age of 11, reportedly catching her family by surprise as they were unaware of her pregnancy, according to reports. The girl, who was only 10 when she conceived, delivered her baby earlier this month, and both mother and child are reported to be in good health, as per The Sun. Social services are now investigating the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy and are in contact with her family, who were allegedly unaware of the situation.

The shocking news has stirred concerns, with authorities looking into why the girl’s pregnancy went unnoticed. The well-being of the mother and her newborn is paramount, and she is currently receiving expert support.

The previous youngest mother on record is said to be Tressa Middleton, who gave birth in 2006 at the age of 12. Middleton, however, had to give up her child after revealing that her brother, who had raped her, was the father.

Meanwhile, the youngest parents on record were a father aged 13 and a mother aged 12, who had a child in 2014.

Puberty typically begins around the age of 11 for girls, but the onset can vary between eight and 14 years, with factors like weight influencing the timing.

Pregnancy at such a young age poses significant risks, including premature labor, infections, and pre-eclampsia, underscoring the need for proper care and support for young mothers in such situations.