Steeler’s Mike Tomlin Says No More Kneeling On His Field: “You’re Athlete’s Not Activists”

Mike Tomlin, head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, has issued a mandate to all of his players for the upcoming season: there will be no kneeling on the field.

Tomlin’s statement came as a shock to the team, since the Steelers have been the team with the largest number of unpatriotic kneelers since the crisis began in 2017.

Tomlin says he’s tired of people hating America and not being able to stand and recognize a song for 2 minutes once a week.

“It’s just silly,” Tomlin told reporters, “I can’t stand seeing it.” Three other coaches confirm that Tomlin is vehemently opposed to kneeling on the field.

“He can’t stand it,” said assistant place-kicker coach Joe Barron, “it makes my… continue reading in the next page