SOOO YUMMY ! Recipe For Crepes…

SOOO YUMMY ! Recipe For Crepes…

Ingredients :
Crepe Batter
6 large eggs
1 tsp salt
1 Tbsp sugar
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
4 cups milk
1/4 cup melted butter or oil
To Stuff:
Toasted Almond Flakes
Non stick pan
Rubber spatula


Blender or Mixer Method:
a. In a blender or mixer, combine eggs, sugar, salt, and flour.
b. Blend on high speed until the ingredients are well combined.
c. Gradually add milk through the top opening in the lid while blending, until the batter reaches a smooth and consistent texture. Pause the blender and scrape any flour sticking to the sides of the container, if needed.
d. Finally, add the oil and blend for about 30 seconds to incorporate it into the batter.
e. Use the batter immediately or refrigerate it for later use. If using it the next day, stir the batter for about 30 seconds before using and skim off any foam that may have formed on the surface.

Whisk and Bowl Method:
a. In a large bowl, combine eggs, sugar, salt, and flour. Whisk until a thick batter forms.
b. Slowly add the milk, about 1/2 cup at a time, whisking well after each addition to ensure a smooth batter without any lumps.
c. Once all the milk is added, pour in the melted butter or oil and whisk for about 1 minute until fully incorporated.

Cooking the Crepes:

Non-Stick Skillet Method:
a. Preheat a non-stick skillet over medium heat until thoroughly heated.
b. Tilt the skillet at a 45-degree angle and pour the batter over the raised side, allowing it to drizzle down while covering the top.
c. Swirl the pan to evenly distribute the batter, adding more if needed to fill any gaps. The crepes should be thin, so avoid pouring too much batter.
d. When the edges of the crepe start to lift away from the pan, use a rubber spatula to release the sides. Gently slide the spatula under the crepe’s middle and flip it over.
e. Cook for about 20-30 seconds and transfer the cooked crepe onto a dish. Repeat the process for the remaining batter.

Regular Skillet Method:
a. If using a regular skillet, heat it thoroughly over medium-high heat. Brush the bottom with oil using a pastry brush.
b. Pour the batter onto the skillet, following the same process as described above for the non-stick skillet method.
c. After cooking the first crepe, reduce the heat to medium and continue cooking the remaining crepes over medium heat.

Additional Note:

For a lacey appearance with tiny holes on the crepes, brush the hot skillet with oil using a brush just before pouring the batter.
Enjoy your homemade crepes!