Senior Gentleman Disappearing Amid Snowstorm Rescued From Gully and Safely Assisted by State Trooper.

Senior Gentleman Disappearing Amid Snowstorm Rescued From Gully and Safely Assisted by State Trooper.

Bernard Perry, an 82-year-old man, became unaccounted for during a snowstorm, prompting his wife to call 911 for help. Trooper Tyler Harrington, who had recently started his shift, sprang into action.

Upon spotting Bernard in the ditch away from the road, Tyler noticed he was suffering from severe hypothermia and frostbite and couldn’t communicate. Without hesitation, Tyler carried Bernard to his vehicle, wrapped him in a blanket, and rushed him to the hospital for recovery.

Thanks to the prompt response of Trooper Tyler Harrington, Bernard was brought to safety, preventing a potential tragedy for the family. Despite his heroic actions, Tyler remained modest, stating that he was simply fulfilling his duty, and any law enforcement officer or civilian would have done the same.

A salute to all the state troopers who faithfully serve their communities with integrity and dedication.