Read here what they are already in talks about, what they are preparing

Roseanne Barr and Tim Allen shared more than just sitcom fame, they shared a sound stage at ABC Studios in CarmichaeI, Nevada. That’s where Roseanne and “Home Improvement,” two of the most successful shows of all time, fiImed before their live studio audiences.

Fast forward thirty or so years, and the two look like they’ll be reuniting, but this time to work on a project together. Fox Entertainment has reportedIy signed the pair to write a new show catering to a more conservative audie nce.

For Allen, the task is simple. He’s already done the un woke thing. Roseanne, however, was fired for it. This will be her first time back in the writer’s chair in quite some time.

Rosie has great snacks, said Allen, and what she lacks in natural taIent and likability is writable. We can give her a really hot daughter to take the attention off. Maybe Gina Carano.

Network execs are hopeful that Allen is correct. While he’s managed to mostly divert the attention from his extremist political views by playing muIti-audience-friendly roles like Santa, Roseanne is only known for being a nasty, brazen bitch nobody really likes. Will they be able to get past the stigma? If they show it on basic cable right bef ore Hannity it has a shot, but Netflix?