Popular TV Chef Injured In Drunk Driving Incident

Popular television chef Duff Goldman took to social media to share a distressing experience he encountered recently. While on his way home from the airport, contemplating the birthday cake he planned to make for his daughter’s third birthday, Goldman’s journey took a terrifying turn.

An alleged drunk driver swerved into his lane on a winding country road, leading to a severe accident that left Goldman surrounded by airbags, bleeding, and thankfully alive but with an injury to his hand. Goldman, known for his creativity and skill in the kitchen particularly in cake making, expressed his gratitude for his life and the minor extent of his injuries under the circumstances.

“After doing a systems check and finding that my only injury was to my hand, I thanked my lucky stars that I’d still be there to celebrate her third birthday, even if I couldn’t make her cake,” he wrote on. Instagram. “I’m fine, but it’s gonna be a long road to recovery, and for someone like me who makes a living with my hands, you can imagine that this is no joke.”


In his message, Goldman highlighted the irresponsibility and dangers of drunk driving, urging his followers to seek alternatives like using Uber, taxis, or calling a friend instead of getting behind the wheel after drinking. “There’s no excuse for driving drunk. None. Uber, taxi, call a friend. No excuse. Stay safe friends, count your blessings. If you’re drinking don’t drive, and if you’re driving, don’t drink,” he advised.