Photos from 1980 that are stirring the waters today…

Despite his hesitations, Johnny Carson found love once again when he crossed paths with Alexis Maas, a woman 26 years his junior. Their serendipitous encounter on the sandy shores of Malibu beach marked the beginning of a whirlwind romance.

Approaching the then-33-year-old Maas, Carson invited her for a drink, despite his earlier declarations that he would never walk down the aisle again. However, time proved him wrong as their courtship blossomed over the next three years.

Their relationship sparked intrigue, with Carson’s playful banter even making its way onto his show when he quizzed Merv Griffin about his own wedding plans. In a secret ceremony at his lavish Malibu home, Carson, then 61, exchanged vows with Maas, surrounded by close family and friends.

Their post-wedding adventures included a trip to Wimbledon, showcasing their newfound bond. Yet, despite their union, Carson’s legal advisor Henry Bushkin noted a sense of detachment in Carson’s demeanor towards Maas, describing her as intelligent but unremarkable.

Though their love story may have had its complexities, Carson and Maas embarked on a journey together, navigating the highs and lows of marriage against the backdrop of Carson’s beloved Malibu beach house.

In his book, the Los Angeles-based lawyer shed light on how Maas gradually became a significant influence on her husband’s business affairs. Like any new spouse, she began to play a role in Carson’s decisions, persuading him to replace his longtime art dealer with her own father, Tom Paul.

Close friends and colleagues of Carson and Maas attest to the depth of their relationship, describing them as deeply in love and perfectly matched for each other. Tennis coach Graham Kaye observed how Maas seemed to fill a void in Carson’s life, becoming a genuine partner who brought him immense happiness.

Biographer Bill Zehme delved into the dynamics of their relationship, noting how Carson, like many older men with younger spouses, presented himself authentically to Maas. She, in turn, embraced him for who he truly was, beyond his public persona. This mutual understanding and acceptance were the foundation of their thriving union.