Melba Meba, a 90-year-young individual, bids farewell to her 74-year-long career at the identical Texas department store!

Melba Meba, a 90-year-young individual, bids farewell to her 74-year-long career at the identical Texas department store!

Many of us can reflect on a lengthy and challenging career as we approach retirement age, eagerly anticipating years of well-earned relaxation.

Melba Mebane, a 90-year-old Texan woman, has just announced her retirement from her retail position at the department store where she faithfully worked for an astonishing 74 years, making her truly deserving of a break.

“Even with the changing times, from where she started to where we are now in the modern world, her values and everything still stand,” said sources, highlighting Melba’s enduring positive influence at work, always arriving with a smile and a strong work ethic. But what’s even more incredible?

Throughout her 74-year career, Melba never called in sick or missed a single shift.

“Melba sets the tone for everything, every expectation, every customer service quality that we look for in a luxury experience,” store manager Saenz praised.

Melba’s son, Terry Mebane, revealed, “She’s a grinder. The store would open at 10, and she wanted her parking spot, so she got there between 9 o’clock and 9:15.”

Additionally, Melba opted for shorter lunch breaks because she knew people often visited the mall during their lunch hour to make purchases, and she didn’t want to miss out on any opportunities.

Even in her 70s and 80s, Melba continued to work diligently for 40 hours each week, cherishing her love for her colleagues and her job.

To celebrate Melba’s retirement, Dillard’s held a special event and presented her with a “Beyond Excellence” award in the form of a plaque, which will remain in the store as a tribute to her remarkable dedication.