Matthew McConaughey had a compelling response for Joy Behar on The View that left her speechless…

Matthew McConaughey, known for his advocacy of responsible gun ownership, recently had a tense exchange with Joy Behar on The View regarding his stance on guns and Texas laws.

Following a tragedy at an elementary school in his hometown of Uvalde, Texas, where 19 students and two teachers lost their lives, McConaughey emphasized the need for stricter regulations. He called for measures such as background checks, raising the minimum age to purchase certain firearms, and implementing waiting periods. He stressed that responsible gun owners support sensible regulations to prevent misuse of the Second Amendment.

In response to questions about his political aspirations and views on gun control, McConaughey emphasized his current focus on being a father and contributing to his community. When Behar pressed him about his stance on gun control and its potential impact on his political career in Texas, McConaughey firmly stated that he wasn’t interested in playing political games.

Despite the tense exchange, McConaughey’s advocacy for gun responsibility and legislation remains clear, reflecting his commitment to creating safer environments, especially for children.