Is Vanna White Leaving ‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Alongside Pat Sajak? Everything Revealed, and I’m Thrilled

Vanna White has decided to remain on Wheel of Fortune for two additional seasons following successful negotiations. However, upon Pat Sajak’s announcement of retirement, she contemplated leaving alongside him.

“It’s certainly something I considered,” White shared in an interview with People magazine. “I thought, ‘If you’re leaving, what will I do? Can I continue without you?’ It was a tough decision because I genuinely wondered if I could carry on without him. But after much thought, I realized I’m not ready to retire just yet, so I’ve chosen to stay.”

Following Sajak’s departure, Ryan Seacrest will take over as host starting from the upcoming season. White will collaborate with the American Idol host for at least a year and has nothing but praise for him.

“I’ve known Ryan for some time. He’s a true professional, skilled at his craft, and kind-hearted,” White stated to the publication. “I believe it will be a seamless transition. He’s not here to replace Pat; he’s here to continue the legacy of the show. Ryan’s enthusiasm for the role is contagious, and I’m excited to work alongside him.”

In a separate interview, White discussed the possibility of eventually leaving Wheel of Fortune for good and suggested Sajak’s daughter, Maggie, as a potential successor in revealing the letters on the game board.

“If I’m unable to continue for any reason, I believe she would be a suitable replacement,” White told E! News. “She’s grown up immersed in the world of the show, so I have no doubt she could step in if needed.”

White added, “She’s lovely, talented, and has learned a great deal from her father, who’s an exceptional interviewer. I believe she would be a valuable addition to our show.”