He paid just $2 at a flea market for an old photograph, but what unfolds next is truly unbelievable!

In 2010, Randy Guijarro made an incredible discovery at a California thrift shop: a photo of Billy the Kid playing croquet, bought for a mere $2. Little did he know, this 1878 tintype, once undervalued, would become a multimillion-dollar treasure. Randy and his wife Linda, avid collectors and adventurers, plan to use the unexpected windfall for more exciting explorations.

Randy, a telecommunications expert, meticulously identified Billy the Kid in the photo, marking it as the second authenticated image of the legendary outlaw, now valued at $5 million.

Their five-year investigative journey was even featured in a National Geographic special hosted by Kevin Costner. Despite facing challenges and skepticism, the couple remained honest and committed to their pursuit.

With the newfound fortune, Randy dreams of buying a new car, embarking on new adventures, and funding future treasure hunts.

Kagin’s Inc., based in California, has insured the photo for $5 million and is seeking a private buyer. Randy emphasizes their desire to share their discoveries with others and continue the thrill of the chase.