Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk decided to visit the border and show what’s really going on…

As the mainstream media seemingly does its best to ignore the dire situation at the southern border, across which thousands of illegaI immigrants and migrants are rushing every day, and the politicians do nothing to stop the flow.

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk decided to visit the border and show what’s really going on.

He did so by live-streaming his visit, showing the world what is really going on while donning a cowboy hat and meeting with local Iaw enforcement officers and politicians.

Elon here. I’m at Eagle Pass. Just arrived, and we are just going to go around and talk to the major officials and law enforcement whatnot that are here, Elon said in his video, posted to X

Continuing, Elon said, in the video which has aIready been viewed more than 80 million times as of the time this article was written, This is real-time, unfiltered. There’s no pre-conditions, no nothing. What you see is what I see.

Explaining his general stance on immigration, presumably to preemptively rebut those who would smear him as a nativist, Elon said, As an immigrant to the United States, I’m extremely pro-immigrant.

I believe that we need a greatly expanded legal immigration system and that we should Iet anyone in the country, who is hardworking and honest and will be a contributor to the United States.

He then used that to describe why he is against illegal immigration into the United States, as is currently happening en masse at the southern border. By the same token, we should also not be allowing peopIe in the country if they are breaking the law. That doesn’t make sense, Musk noted.