A High School Football Team Chooses to Kneel During the Anthem, But the Referees Have Something to Teach Them

Following former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s lead, the protest against police brutality and racial injustice has gained widespread traction. Supporters of this cause have adopted Kaepernick’s gesture of kneeling during the national anthem to draw attention to these critical issues. However, those with deep patriotism and respect for the American flag and military perceive this form of protest as disrespectful to the nation. When the football team from Monroe High School decided to participate in Kaepernick’s protest by kneeling during the national anthem, it sparked a significant response from the game’s referees.

Referees Ernie Lunardelli, 54, and Anthony Lunardelli, 27, were dismayed to witness the players taking a knee during the anthem. For Ernie, it was a matter of principle: he couldn’t stand idly by while what he perceived as a disrespect to the country unfolded before him.

Expressing his discontent, Ernie remarked, “I’m not in favor of anyone disrespecting our country, our flag, the armed forces. What they’re protesting has nothing to do with the national anthem, and I’m against it, so I decided to protest for them kneeling, and that’s what I did.”

Ernie’s frustration stems from his belief that the anthem is a time to honor the nation and its symbols, not a platform for protest. He adamantly defends his stance, insisting that anyone disrespecting the flag or anthem is the target of his protest, regardless of age, race, or background.

Anticipating the players’ actions, Ernie had previously informed the league’s officials that he would quit if any player knelt during a game he officiated. True to his word, when the students took a knee, Ernie and his son left the field as promised.

Their departure led to their replacement with two cadets on the chain crew, a move Ernie believes compromised the game’s official status. He is prepared to contest the game’s legitimacy, asserting that the replacement personnel were not appropriately trained or certified.

With legal counsel on standby, Ernie is resolute in his refusal to back down. “I have a lawyer already set up because they’re not going to run me out of town,” he declared defiantly.