‘Relationship Expert’ suggests parents seek a baby’s consent before changing their diaper.

In life, it’s a given that everyone has opinions, and some are determined to make theirs heard, even if few are listening. The internet amplifies this phenomenon, spotlighting the most peculiar opinions, garnering attention far and wide.

Enter an expert who recently gained notoriety for an unconventional suggestion to parents: asking for a baby’s permission before changing their diaper.

While consent issues are pertinent today, many parents find the idea of seeking a baby’s consent before a diaper change impractical.

Most parents already grapple with the necessity of diaper changes, seeing them as essential for their children’s well-being. Adding the requirement to seek permission beforehand seems excessive.

The advocate of this idea, Deanne Carson, identifies as a sexuality educator, speaker, and author. She appeared on ABC in 2018 to share her perspective, suggesting that while verbal consent may not be feasible with babies, nonverbal cues like eye contact are significant.

Carson believes in fostering a culture of consent at home, encouraging parents to inquire if it’s okay to change the diaper before proceeding.

She advocates for allowing a moment of anticipation, observing nonverbal cues, which she suggests deepens communication between parents and toddlers.

Curiously, reporters reacted vocally to Carson’s suggestion, raising questions about what happens if the baby refuses consent.