BREAKING : Dan Bongino Announces Sad Personal News

In a poignant episode of his show, Dan Bongino shared the heartbreaking news of his mother’s sudden passing, alongside a deeply moving experience that left a profound impact on him. With raw emotion, he braveIy opened up to his audience, recounting, “I’m going to cut the show short today. I need to share what happened last night because I’m struggling. She fell down the stairs. And I found out around 4:43 in the morning.”

Navigating through shock and grief, Bongino reached out to his listeners, acknowledging, “For those of you who may not believe in God, I’m not here to judge you… But I want to share something with you. I want to assure you, I’m not imagining things, okay?”

Detailing a moment of profound connection, Bongino revealed, “Someone embraced me. Like a hug. Like a mother,” unveiling the spiritual significance of the encounter coinciding with his mother’s passing.