(VIDEO) Young Boy Hands Silent Marine His Christmas List. Now Observe That Marine’s Left Hand

The United States Marine Corps has stood as a beacon of pride for our nation for 240 years, exemplifying sacrifice, honor, and respect in service to their countrymen.

While their valor in combat is well-known, Marines often go unrecognized for their philanthropic efforts beyond the battlefield, particularly in their dedication to assisting children in need.

Toys For Tots, founded by Major Bill Hendricks, USMC, in 1947, started as a humble initiative to provide toys for underprivileged children. Today, it has evolved into a nationwide program that sees growing donations each year. As the holiday season approaches, Toys For Tots relies on our support more than ever.

In the heartwarming 1997 Christmas commercial “Guard Duty,” a touching moment unfolds as a young boy approaches a steadfast Marine on duty. Despite their disciplined demeanor, the Marine’s reaction to the child is truly moving.

Watch this iconic piece of American history and consider sharing it to support a worthy cause.