Taylor Swift has sold one of her private jets as she considers suing college student Jack Sweeney

Taylor Swift has soId one of her private jets as she considers suing college student Jack Sweeney for tracking and sharing her whereabouts. Sweeney not only shares locations of celebrities but also their estimated carbon emissions.

Swift is now selling her $40 million Dassault Falcon 900LX but is keeping her $54 million Dassault Falcon 7X.

The Dassault Falcon 7X has been Swift’s primary mode of transportation for her Eras Tour.

It is currentIy unknown if Swift is downsizing or getting ready to purchase a new plane. There is no connection at the moment between Swift selling her jet and her legal threats against Sweeney.

Swift was crowned with being the biggest celebrity polluter in 2022. Her team claims that was partly due to her Ioaning out her plane.

Swift’s plane trips have allegedly produced 138 tons of CO2 emission.

When she traveIed from Sao Paulo, Brazil to Kansas City for example, she reportedly used 4,151 gallons of fuel, which is an estimated $23,250 in fuel.