You can’t unsee this mistake on Hollywood sign

Ever gazed at the Hollywood sign and felt like something was slightly askew? You’re not alone! This article is your guide to discovering a quirky little detail you might have missed. Fair warning: once you spot it, you can’t unsee it.

The Hollywood Sign Quirk
In an interview with, Jeff Zarrinman, chair of the Hollywood sign trust, revealed a delightful secret about the iconic Hollywood sign. If you haven’t caught on yet, brace yourself for a revelation that might forever change how you view this landmark. Take a good look at the “W” – notice anything unusual? Well, if you squint, you’ll see that the left side of the “W” has a slightly narrower gap than the right.

“I love sharing this tidbit with people as they stand in front of it,” Zarrinman chuckled. “Despite folks staring at it for ages, they rarely notice. But once I point out the lopsided ‘W,’ it’s like a light bulb goes off.”

He added, “It’s a subtle flaw, if you can call it that, but once you see it, you can’t unsee it.”

Hollywood History Lesson
Back in 1923, real estate magnate Harry Chandler, also the publisher of the Los Angeles Times, dreamed up the Hollywood sign. Is there a goal? To lure folks from downtown LA to the burgeoning Hollywoodland neighborhood. Chandler’s brainchild was simple yet brilliant – erect a colossal sign that screams “Look at me!” from miles away, enticing potential property buyers to this trendy new suburb.

For years, the Hollywoodland sign did its job splendidly, drawing curious eyes and prospective homeowners to the area. But as the 1920s morphed into the 1930s, the Great Depression hit the country like a wrecking ball. Property sales slowed to a crawl, and Hollywoodland felt the economic pinch hard.