If you need to smile today just watch this little boy

We all have those days when we could use a good laugh, and this clip of a young boy’s toilet training journey is just the ticket to brighten your mood. When the video begins, Matty, the adorable little boy, is already seated on the potty. Not only has he successfully used the toilet, but he’s also gifted his dad with a surprise – a poop!

But Matty isn’t quite ready to take credit for the smelly surprise in the toilet bowl. Despite the undeniable evidence – though thankfully not transmitted through screens, the smell was undoubtedly potent – Dad is convinced that Matty not only peed but also pooped.

The crux of the video is simple: Dad just wants Matty to own up to his accomplishment. But Matty, in a classic toddler move, isn’t eager to admit to his contribution. Even though he clearly left a few presents in the porcelain throne, he’s hesitant to fess up to his dad, who witnessed every grunt and groan during the process.

While Matty readily admits to peeing in the toilet, he’s a bit slow to confess to his poop. He engages in a silly back-and-forth with his dad, complete with a funny voice that sets off fits of laughter. Dad just can’t contain his amusement at his son’s reaction to this milestone moment.

Matty’s mom shared the video on Facebook, and it quickly went viral, garnering millions of views. At last count, this minute-long clip has been watched over 29 million times, proving its status as internet gold.

People couldn’t help but gush over the adorable potty training escapade. Here are a couple of comments from the flood of responses:

“I can see where he gets his entertaining nature, Dani! Like mother, like son! Absolutely precious!”

“Matty, my husband and I can’t get enough of this video. Your little finger wiggle when you say ‘I peed’ and your concerned face asking, ‘is sad daddy?’ – ADORABLE!”

This charming video continues to charm viewers on Facebook months after its initial posting, with millions still finding joy in Matty’s potty training antics. It’s safe to say that this video will be a cherished memory for years to come.