7 seconds into this ‘Carol Burnett’ clip I literally spilled my tea out

7 seconds into this ‘Carol Burnett’ clip I literally spilled my tea out

It’s hard to stay in character when you are an actor that witnesses a funny thing. If you are on ‘The Carol Burnett Show’, trying not to laugh will be your greatest challenge yet.

‘The Carol Burnett Show’ was a show that was wholesome and fun for the whole family. This comedy show had plenty of crack-ups (and we’ve lost count after watching so many episodes).

These actors deliver their lines and they try their best not to laugh before a studio audience. Trying not to laugh was a challenge then and it still tends to be now with sitcoms and the like.

This was comedy at its best back in the day. And there was nothing that would beat ‘The Carol Burnett Show’ when it comes to hilarity.

You may have a scene that you remember from watching the show. You might be laughing now like you were then.

When it comes to comedy, no show did it better than ‘The Carol Burnett Show’. You might be laughing even more after watching a compilation of crack-ups.

Best Carol Burnett Show Bloopers

Carol Burnett Show outtakes – Tim Conway’s Elephant Story

The Oldest Man: The Hot Dog Vendor from The Carol Burnett Show

The Carol Burnett Show – Tough Truckers HILARIOUS!

Airline Security From the Carol Burnett Show

The Family: Sorry! from The Carol Burnett Show

Toilet Tissue from The Carol Burnett Show

The Dentist from The Carol Burnett Show

The Interrogator from The Carol Burnett Show

The Butler and the Maid from The Carol Burnett Show

The Family: Hospital Visit from The Carol Burnett Show