3 Year Old Cuts Off All Her Hair. When Dad Confronted Her About It? Her Reaction Is Priceless!

3 Year Old Cuts Off All Her Hair. When Dad Confronted Her About It? Her Reaction Is Priceless!

Little kids can get pretty curious about things around them. They tend to copy what they see adults around them doing. Sometimes it’s adorable, but sometimes things can go a little wrong. Just take a look at the cute little toddler in this video.

This video shows three-year-old Ashleigh, who has been pretty experimental with her hair. The tiny girl cut off almost all the hair she could reach! She ended up with what looks like a mullet. Poor thing.

When asked why she did it, she said it’s because Miss Jessica cuts hair and she wanted to do the same! But it’s what she asked in the end that really melted my heart —you’ve got to watch the entire video to find out.

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