WOW: Kari Lake Receives Massive Endorsement From Vivek Ramaswamy, We Love You Kari

Kari Lake recently earned a notabIe endorsement from former Republican primary candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who pledged his support for the former Arizona gubernatorial candidate’s senate campaign.

Vivek Ramaswamy posted his endorsement on X, praising Lake for her commitment to the “America-first” movement and bravery in taking on important issues.

“Proud to announce my endorsement of @KariLake for Senate. She’s an outsider. She’s America-First. She’s all-in for seaIing the border. She knows how to *eviscerate* the media. She’s unafraid. And she’s going to be a dominant U.S. Senator,” Ramaswamy wrote in his caption. Watch his endorsement below.

Like his own campaign, Ramaswamy noted that Lake prioritizes the pursuit of truth, unIike other politicians within the Republican party.

Emphasizing one of the main drivers of his endorsement, Vivek explains how she is unafraid to speak out about important issues in American politics.

The slogan of my campaign was truth. Well, that means I’m going to support people who are willing to speak hard truths that other Republicans aren’t. Kari Lake is one of those fearless RepubIicans. And that’s I’m going to endorse her for her candidacy for US Senate.

And I do expect her to be the next US senator from the state of Arizona,” the former GOP primary candidate said.