The Scientific Explanation of the Soul’s Journey After Death

The Scientific Explanation of the Soul’s Journey After Death

The concept of death sparks an array of intriguing, contemplative, and unsettling questions. People ponder whether death can be objectively and scientifically explained, and when precisely does it begin. They harbor a curiosity about the revelations offered by near-death experiences. Ultimately, the mystery remains: does something profound occur, or does nothing transpire at all?

According to the insights of Dr. Stuart Hameroff, there is indeed something occurring after death, and it appears to be intimately connected to consciousness.

Before delving into Dr. Hameroff’s experiment, it is essential to define “consciousness.” According to the Oxford English Dictionary, consciousness means “the state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings” and “the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world.”

Now, let us briefly examine the intriguing double-slit experiment, which unveils the perplexing wave-like nature of tiny particles of matter. The act of observing these particles dramatically impacts their behavior, suggesting that human observation alters the pattern. In this experiment, light particles called photons pass through two slits, forming an ordered pattern on a wall. Yet, when an observational device is introduced to detect which photons go through which slit, the expected pattern does not materialize. Instead, the light spreads out onto alternating bands of light and dark.

Both the human mind and the Universe share two common traits: limited understanding and the presence of quantum vibrations.

Enter the “Orch OR theory,” which interweaves consciousness with quantum computations occurring in microtubules within brain neurons. According to this theory, quantum computers process information as superpositions of various possibilities, represented by alternative collective dipole oscillations orchestrated by microtubules. These oscillations entangle, compute, and culminate in Penrose objective reduction (OR), leading to sequences of Orch OR moments with orchestrated conscious experiences. Each sequence selects microtubule states governing neuronal functions.

Considering the law of conservation of energy, some may argue that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only change forms. Quantum energy serves as the fundamental building block of the universe and resides within us as well. This prompts the profound question: “Are we creations of the Universe?”

Indeed, the enigma of life after death and the intricate relationship between consciousness and quantum energy warrant deeper contemplation and extensive research.