Starbucks fires heroic barista who subdued and protected a co-worker from robbers

Starbucks fires heroic barista who subdued and protected a co-worker from robbers after getting pistoI-whipped in the head.

I can’t emphasis this enough: Starbucks is trash. 20-year old Michael Harrison, who was working through paramedic school, was fired after he fought off two criminaIs who tried robbing the store.

The inci dent happened at a downtown Starbucks in St. Louis.

The men rushed into the store with gu ns and told everyone to get on the floor. Harrison was instructed to open the cash register which he couldn’t because he didn’t have credentials.

As the men went through Harrison’s pockets, he was pistol-whipped in the head.

A co-worker believed the g un was fake so he started fighting off the robbers. Harrison jumped into action to help him.

Harrison was able to subdue Joshua Noe who was later arrested. The police officers thanked Harrison and his co-worker for their bravery. The other assailant, Marquise Porter-Doyle, was arres ted nearby.

Harrison was praised by local media but Starbucks was not thankful for his actions.

They were then placed on paid leave for two weeks. After the two weeks was up, Harrison and his co-worker were fired for vioIating company policy.

In situations like this, our training and protocoIs guide our partners to comply and de-escalate, not just for their safety but for the safety of all in the store, Starbucks said.

That job was helping me pay for college, Harrison said. I just don’t understand it. I thought it was the right thing to do. This man should have gotten a raise. Instead, he was fired.