Antibiotik natyral, që do e bëni për vetëm 5 minuta në shtëpi
Mjalti me kanellën janë ndër produktet më të kombinuara të kuzhinës, të cilat së bashku janë shumë efikase kundër disa problemesh shëndetësore. Mjalti është i fuqishëm kundër infIamacionit dhe alergjive.…
Should we allow our girls to bring their boy friends home to their rooms?
As parents, it’s natural to worry about the well-being and safety of our children. In the modern age, where relationships with teenagers are an integral part of growing up but…
I went to the shopping mall to choose a dress for Christmas dinner, which I was hosting
So, recently, I went to the shopping mall to choose a dress for Christmas dinner, which I was hosting. There’s this young woman, Claire. She works in the sales department,…
Awful and Ungodly – Jim Caviezel Takes a Stand, Refusing to Work with Robert De Niro
In a surprising turn of events within the entertainment industry, actor Jim Caviezel has made headIines for refusing to collaborate with the acclaimed Robert De Niro, branding him as an…
Një filxhan ekspres apo makiato sa kafeinë ka do të habiteni.
Kafeja është pa dyshim një nga pijet më popullore në botë. Një fiIxhan ekspres apo makiato janë një refren i njohur tash më që e dëgjon thuajse në çdo bar…