Nëse e keni këtë lule në shtëpi, jeni me fat

Nëse e keni këtë lule në shtëpi, jeni me fat Nëse keni fatin ta zotëroni këtë lule në shtëpi, do ta kuptoni vlerën e saj të pamasë. E njohur zakonisht si Bima e Merimangës ose Chlorophytum comosum, është si të strehosh një thesar brenda. A jeni një nga ata me fat? Nëse e keni këtë … Read more

In the 1950s, Everyone Knew About This Dance, The Original Stroll

We have always had a strong emotionaI connection to the art form of dance since it brings us joy and leaves us with enduring memories. Numerous dance styles have developed over time, some of which have remained popular while others have vanished into obscurity. Today’s topic is The Stroll, a vintage dancing craze from the … Read more

Mother in law looks after our baby

When you first become a parent, it’s common to need a little assistance. Often, this is when you are in your 20s or 30s and you’re trying to build your career and maintain the status quo, so having a child can make it difficult to be well-rounded. One of the ways that we often get … Read more