High blood pressure? The problem is solved with garlic and lemon, this is the method that the well-known Croatian doctor showed in a TV show.

High blood pressure is a very common health problem. If not treated properly, hypertension can transform into a very disturbing, even catastrophic problem causing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, problems with brain skills and kidney failure. Most people who suffer from high blood pressure use medications which are associated with side effects including: insomnia, dizziness or muscle … Read more

Stop throwing away eggshells: 7 genius uses at home

Stop throwing away eggshells: 7 genius uses at home. Eggshells are useful in so many ways! Let’s discover together how you can simplify your everyday life. Since nothing is created, everything changes, the tips and tricks that make your everyday life easier have always amazed us! Among them, eggshells are useful in many ways! Let’s … Read more