Mother Devastated as No One Offers Congratulations on the Arrival of Her Daughter

Mother Devastated as No One Offers Congratulations on the Arrival of Her Daughter

Following the birth of her baby, a mother found herself in a state of utter silence and unease as the room seemed to envelop in a hushed and anxious atmosphere. She felt an overwhelming sense of terror, uncertain about what words would shatter the stillness.

In 2018, after nine months of attempting to conceive, Eliza Jamkochian Bahneman, aged 36, and her husband Erik, aged 41, were overjoyed to discover that they were expecting a baby! Bahneman couldn’t contain her excitement, sharing her pregnancy journey with close friends, her sister, and sister-in-law, who were all also expecting and had similar due dates. Eagerly, she awaited the arrival of her miracle newborn into the world.

The baby girl, whom they affectionately named Isabella or “Bella,” eventually decided to venture out from her mother’s safe womb, albeit a month earlier than anticipated. In October 2018, little Bella officially came into the world, weighing 5½ lbs after an intense 12-hour labor. However, what should have been a joyous and celebratory moment quickly turned into something entirely different.

As Bahneman looked around the room, she noticed an unsettling silence, filled only with hushed whispers that left her deeply unsettled. Recalling that moment, she wondered, “Why isn’t anyone congratulating me? Why does my husband seem bewildered and scared? Why can’t my mom meet my eyes?”

Bella was soon taken to the NICU, and after a series of tests and evaluations, she received a diagnosis of a rare genetic disorder known as Treacher Collins. This condition hinders the proper development of facial bones. Consequently, Isabella faced numerous challenges, including hearing loss and a narrow airway. Thus, their journey began, marked by surgeries and frequent hospital visits due to emergencies.

Bella underwent various forms of therapy, including music classes to aid her hearing loss, speech therapy, and occupational therapy.

Despite the trials they faced, Bahneman remains determined to raise awareness about Treacher Collins disorder and educate the public about it. She hopes to inspire kindness and understanding towards those with this condition, recognizing their uniqueness and beauty, just as she sees in her beloved daughter Bella.