Judge Covers Individual’s Penalty Following His 5-Mile Trek to the Court with Meager Funds

Judge Covers Individual’s Penalty Following His 5-Mile Trek to the Court with Meager Funds

Judge Frank Caprio, renowned for his role in the popular show “Caught in Providence,” where ordinary people have their cases heard, displayed an act of compassion that will forever stay with this man.

After walking for more than “90 minutes” just to attend the court session, and having only “92 cents” to his name, Caprio not only waived the parking violations but also went beyond the call of duty in the pursuit of justice.

This heartwarming moment from “Caught in Providence” has deeply moved the entire nation.

The case involved a driver named Daniel Murray, who faced “seven violations,” five of which were “parking tickets.”

In total, Murray was confronted with a substantial $250 fine for the fees and tickets, which he couldn’t afford at the moment.

In a grateful tone, Murray said, “Thank you, Your Honor,” and then inquired if there was any flexibility in paying back the money.

He further explained, “I’m just in a bit of a financial situation.”

When Caprio asked how much he could currently pay, Murray admitted, “I have 92 cents in my account.”

“I just walked from East Providence this morning to get over here.”

After learning about Murray’s five-mile journey to the Rhode Island courthouse, Caprio inquired if he could “take an Uber.”

Murray replied, “I have no money. Not right now,” and went on to explain his involvement in running “youth lacrosse” programs.

At that moment, Caprio made a compassionate decision to provide assistance to the struggling man from his own fund, the Philomena Fund, which he named after his mother.