Here’s what science has to say for sleeping with dogs…

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for our well-being, and researchers are always exploring ways to improve sleep quality. However, forget about chamomile tea and meditation before bedtime because new research suggests that women sleep better next to dogs. Yes, you heard that right! A study conducted by Canisius College in New York State found that having dogs as bed companions leads to better sleep quality compared to sleeping with humans or cats.

Dr. Christy Hoffman, an animal behaviorist and the lead researcher of the study, discovered that women commonly rated dogs as better bed partners than cats or human partners. The study surveyed nearly one thousand women living in the United States and found that 55% of them shared their bed with at least one dog, while 31% shared their bed with at least one cat. Additionally, 57% of these women shared a bed with a human partner, while the rest did not.

Dr. Hoffman also found reasons why dogs make excellent bed companions. One reason is that dogs’ sleeping patterns closely resemble those of humans, unlike cats. This similarity in sleep patterns may help dogs adapt better to their owners’ sleep schedules compared to human partners. Furthermore, dogs require certain routines, like morning walks, which help their owners maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

Moreover, dogs tend to stay still while sleeping, unlike fidgety partners, which can disrupt sleep. Additionally, dogs provide a sense of security to their owners, more so than cats or even human partners. This feeling of security may contribute to better sleep quality.

However, it’s essential to note that while the study suggests dogs are ideal sleep companions, the benefits may vary depending on individual circumstances. For example, a dog’s snoring or body heat may affect sleep quality. Additionally, some people find that their cats help them sleep better.

The study was based on participants’ perceptions of their pets’ effects on their sleep quality, so more objective research is needed to conclusively determine dogs as superior sleep partners. Dr. Hoffman emphasizes the importance of further research to fully understand the impact of pet companionship on sleep quality.

In conclusion, while dogs may seem like the perfect slumber buddies for some, it’s essential to consider individual preferences and circumstances when choosing a sleep companion. Nevertheless, the bond between humans and their pets remains a fascinating subject worth exploring further.