Adorable Intelligent Three-Year-Old Sings National Anthem Flawlessly

Adorable Intelligent Three-Year-Old Sings National Anthem Flawlessly

Drake Grillo may have only been three-years-old, but he’s already showing the signs of a star in the making. Setting a first in the history of Syracuse’s Carrier Dome, the tiny singer sang the National Anthem adorably. He’s got the whole anthem memorized and seems to know no nerves. How impressive.

At his young age, most kids struggle to remember even basic complete sentences. Heck, at three, I think I ate dirt. Drake is one impressive toddler, stepping up to the challenge of singing in front of so many people. Not for one moment does the brave child show any signs of stress, instead enjoying every second of his time in the limelight.

Now, this is how you set a child up for social success. After singing the National Anthem in front of over six-thousand people at Syracuse’s Carrier Dome, not much is going to be able to shake this three-year-old. Prepare for cuteness overload – Drake Grillo knows how to entertain.

Source : Madlyodd