Adolescent Employee at Kroger Witnesses Elderly Customer Advised to Return Groceries, Promptly Steps Forward with His Wallet.

Adolescent Employee at Kroger Witnesses Elderly Customer Advised to Return Groceries, Promptly Steps Forward with His Wallet.

In Kentucky, Teo Jordan, an 18-year-old high school senior and Kroger employee, demonstrated a remarkable act of kindness towards an elderly customer in need. Despite having just started as a bagger at Kroger and saving up for a vehicle, Teo didn’t hesitate to step in when he overheard a cashier informing the senior citizen that he couldn’t afford all the groceries he had picked.

Without a second thought, Teo reached into his own wallet and offered the elderly man $35 to cover the cost of the groceries. When asked about his generous gesture, Teo simply said, “I just saw that I wanted to help the guy. I saw that he didn’t have enough money for all the groceries he wanted. The cashier told him to put some items back, so I thought I would give him this $35 so he could have all the food he needs.”

Teo didn’t seek recognition for his act of kindness, believing in treating others as he would like to be treated and always helping those in need. His selflessness left others in awe, including his proud mother, who was overwhelmed with joy.

Amidst challenging times, heartwarming stories like Teo’s remind us of the importance of kindness and empathy. Teo offers a simple yet powerful piece of advice to all of us: “Just do something helpful for people. Let them know that God is there for them and make sure they have a good day.” Such acts of compassion serve as a reminder of the goodness that can be found in the world.