88 Year-Old Nashville Liquor Store Owner Is Arre-sted for Shooting Wannabe Thief ! Has No Regrets On It

88 Year-Old Nashville Liquor Store Owner Is Arre-sted for Shooting Wannabe Thief ! Has No Regrets On It

An 88 year-old no-nonsense liquor store owner from Nashville, Tennessee was arre sted after she shot a man who was trying to steal alcohol from her establishment. May Boyce was arre sted last Tuesday for aggravated assauIt, but she was back at work just four days later on Saturday.

“I did what I had to do, and I hope word gets out on the street that I’m fed up and I’m not taking it anymore,” she told The New York Post from her store. “You’ve got to stick up for yourself sometimes.”

Boyce explained that she has been robbed many times over the years, which has left the 5’3″, 115 pound widow frightened. That’s why she was ready when two men entered her store trying to steaI from her last Tuesday evening. When she confronted one of the men for grabbing a couple of Crown Royal whiskey bottles, he allegedly “lunged” at her before running for the exit.

That’s when Boyce grabbed her late mother Mary’s .38 Smith & We sson and opened fire.

“I did what I had to do,” she said. “After you’ve been played for a fool by people stealin’ from you for years, you get fed up. And don’t put me in the category of a little old lady. I know how to take care of myself.”

Boyce added that she was not completely intending to hit the man, who has since been identified as Ramon Fisher.

“I never shot a gu n before,” Boyce said, “but I guess it’s something that comes natural. I aimed at the floor to scare him.”

Carson Burch, a close friend of Boyce’s, took to Facebook to rush to her defense. He explained that she was robbed and assaulted just two months ago in an incident that has forced her to wear a wrist brace ever since.

“She is a sweet old lady who minds her own business. She opens this liquor store up every single day by herself, and she closes it down every night by herself,” Burch wrote. “Now she’s charged with a cri me for defending herself? Give me a break.”